Give your big idea the website it deserves
Landing page components built with React, Shadcn/ui and Tailwind that will make your website feel premium.
Built with the best tools
Build a website that is hard to forget.
Build a top-notch landing page even if you don't have the time for it. Create an irresistible offer that speaks professionalism and hi-end design.
Made for search engines
Unlike the bloated no-code solutions, Launch UI is built to be perfectly optimized for search engines.
The code is yours
With Launch UI, the code is yours forever. Never bother about subscriptions and lock-ins.
import { cn } from"@/lib/utils"; import clsx from "clsx"; import { PropsWithChildren } from"react"; type NoteProps = PropsWithChildren & { title?: string; type?: "note" | "danger" | "warning" | "success"; className?: string; }; export default function Note({ children, title = "Note", type = "note", className, }: NoteProps ) { const noteClassNames = clsx({ "dark:bg-stone-950/25 bg-stone-50": type == "note", "dark:bg-red-950 bg-red-100 border-red-200 dark:border-red-900": type === "danger", "dark:bg-orange-950 bg-orange-100 border-orange-200 dark:border-orange-900": type === "warning", "dark:bg-green-950 bg-green-100 border-green-200 dark:border-green-900": type === "success", });
import { Config } from"tailwindcss"; const config = { darkMode: ["class"], content: [ "./pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx}", "./components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx}", "./app/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,mdx}", ], theme: { extend: { colors: { background: "hsl(var(--background))", foreground: "hsl(var(--foreground))", card: { DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--card) / 0.2)", foreground: "hsl(var(--card-foreground))", },
Top-level performance
Everything you need. Nothing you don't.
Accessibility first
Responsive design
Light and dark mode
Easy to customize
Top-level performance
Production ready
Made for localisation
CMS friendly
You can change anything. But you don't have to.
Get the full control of the code of your website. Change it or just use the defaults. Customize it in seconds with CSS variables.
Questions and Answers
Loved by designers and developers across the planet
These are some dummy testimonials from made-up names displayed to preview the social proof components in action.
Fabrizio Fernandez
Playing around with @launchui suddenly made me feeling inspired to launch that side project.
Darius Flynn
Exploring @launchui's sleek UI. It's like a dark mode enthusiast's playground.
Felix B.
Digging into @launchui. Those shadows are giving me serious design envy.
Fabrizio Fernandez
Playing around with @launchui suddenly made me feeling inspired to launch that side project.
Darius Flynn
Exploring @launchui's sleek UI. It's like a dark mode enthusiast's playground.
Felix B.
Digging into @launchui. Those shadows are giving me serious design envy.
Fabrizio Fernandez
Playing around with @launchui suddenly made me feeling inspired to launch that side project.
Darius Flynn
Exploring @launchui's sleek UI. It's like a dark mode enthusiast's playground.
Felix B.
Digging into @launchui. Those shadows are giving me serious design envy.
Fabrizio Fernandez
Playing around with @launchui suddenly made me feeling inspired to launch that side project.
Darius Flynn
Exploring @launchui's sleek UI. It's like a dark mode enthusiast's playground.
Felix B.
Digging into @launchui. Those shadows are giving me serious design envy.
Olivia Blackwood
@launchui is not messing around with its component library game.
Esme Rothschild
@launchui is slick. That globe graphic though. Making me feel like I'm building websites for a sci-fi movie.
Kai Nakamura
Just made my first website with @launchui. Its flexibility is speaking my language. No drama, just seamless integration.
Olivia Blackwood
@launchui is not messing around with its component library game.
Esme Rothschild
@launchui is slick. That globe graphic though. Making me feel like I'm building websites for a sci-fi movie.
Kai Nakamura
Just made my first website with @launchui. Its flexibility is speaking my language. No drama, just seamless integration.
Olivia Blackwood
@launchui is not messing around with its component library game.
Esme Rothschild
@launchui is slick. That globe graphic though. Making me feel like I'm building websites for a sci-fi movie.
Kai Nakamura
Just made my first website with @launchui. Its flexibility is speaking my language. No drama, just seamless integration.
Olivia Blackwood
@launchui is not messing around with its component library game.
Esme Rothschild
@launchui is slick. That globe graphic though. Making me feel like I'm building websites for a sci-fi movie.
Kai Nakamura
Just made my first website with @launchui. Its flexibility is speaking my language. No drama, just seamless integration.