Social Proof

An advanced social proof component designed to match shadcn/ui system.

This component offers multiple display variants to showcase user feedback effectively. Choose from masonry layouts, marquee animations, and clickable cards to create engaging social proof sections that capture attention.

Built with Tailwind CSS and React, it provides seamless integration with other shadcn components. The component maintains accessibility and responsive design principles while offering flexible options for presenting user testimonials and reviews.


Before installing your first component, follow the installation guide to set up your project.

Once your project is set up, run the following command:

npx shadcn@latest add ""

This command will install necessary dependencies and add them topackage.json

To access components and examples, purchase Launch UI Pro.


Loved by designers and developers across the planet

Here's what people are saying about Launch UI


Fabrizio Fernandez


Playing around with @launchui suddenly made me feeling inspired to launch that side project.


Darius Flynn


Exploring @launchui's sleek UI. It's like a dark mode enthusiast's playground. Simply incredible stuff.


Luna Martinez


@launchui is a game-changer for rapid prototyping. The components are so well thought out.


Olivia Blackwood


@launchui is not messing around with its component library game.


Esme Rothschild


@launchui is slick. That globe graphic though. Making me feel like I'm building websites for a sci-fi movie.


Kai Nakamura


Just made my first website with @launchui. Its flexibility is speaking my language. No drama, just seamless integration.

Loved by designers and developers across the planet

Here's what people are saying about Launch UI

Loved by designers and developers across the planet

These are some dummy testimonials from made-up names displayed to preview the social proof components in action.

Need help?

File a feature request, report a bug, or ask me anything.